hello february !
the month of love. the month of my sixth semester for my DCA in unitar begins.
class should've started today,, but believe it or not,, the schedules are not even out yet.
so is the result for last sem's exams. but the grades are out though.
dah lama tak rasa cuak macam tadi. my hands were shaking as i browsed through my phone.
i was having the cold sweats. jantung berdebar2.
alhamdulillah,, my grades are okay. but it could've been better.
purchasing and cost control : A+
pengajian islam : A-
food service sanitation : A-
garde manger artistry : B
international cuisine : B-
and lepas kira2,, gpa was only 3.42. i was hoping for another DL. but what to do.
maybe i didnt try hard enough.
apepun,, syukur dgan grades yang sedia ada.
better luck next time. :')
was feeling down for a while,, but im okay now. i think.
rasa macam next sem nak amek 6 subjects. or kalau tak bz sgt,, maybe 7.
mcm dah terlambat je if i stick to the five subjects. nty grad lambat pulak.
hmmm. sabar je laaa farah. next sem please lahh kay.
takde mood. sheesh.
kau nak jd chef tapi kitchen classes kau dua2 dapat B.
kecewa dgan diri sendiri. tapi im sure ada hikmah.